You’ve been able to order our cards from DriveThruCards for a while, and whilst it is great especially for American community members, Europeans might often recoil from ordering because of shipping and taxes. This will change today.
We’re happy to announce that you can now order our cards from Azao Games! They are cooperating with us and have both Through the Mists as well as Restoration of Balance available in their web-shop as print on demand products. They will also sell our future packs, so you can directly order from them in the future and don’t have to order via me (Hida Amoro). This will reduce the time it takes until you have the cards in your hands as well as carbon emissions because the cards will come straight to your place, without any intermediate stop. Again, you will only pay for the production of the cards, we do not earn anything from the sales. Their website is currently only in French, but they are already working on an English user interface.

I also want to show you a picture of how the products look and give you an impression of how I perceive the quality of the cards. They are a bit thicker than the ones from FFG and have a little more plastic-ish look. However, the contrast and the colours are amazing and rich. Azao received a new printing machine recently, so I can directly compare the old RoB prototype I got with the new version. The quality is a lot better. The text is sharper, the colours are richer, and the overall look of the cards is smoother. I am very happy with them, but look for yourself!

Important: If you participated in the mass order I organised for Europe, you do not have to order the cards from their store. I’m currently putting together all the shipments. I posted the pack to France yesterday, today or tomorrow I will ship to Belgium, Iceland, and Italy. Then I’ll tackle all the others, step by step.
The Game Night Kit is not available in their store, you can only get that from me (or DriveThruCards), and only until December 31. However, we will have a new Game Night Kit for Q1 coming soon!