We’re happy to announce our first organised play kit, the Emerald Legacy Game Night Kit. This is the first step of advancing our organised play efforts and providing physical prizes to you. Read on to find out more!
Whilst a lot of the games are still played online because of the pandemic, many people return to local play either at home with friends or at their local game stores. We want to support offline play, and one way of doing so is to provide you with promo cards. I mean, who doesn’t like cards with beautiful artworks in full-art, right? We want to highlight the work of different artists from our first set, Through the Mists. Let me give you a sneak peek at some of the cards.

Beautiful, don’t you think? The Game Night Kit will be a print on demand product, which will only be available for a limited time. We will announce details about pricing and where to get it soon.
Kit Contents
You will find the following cards in the pack:
- 3 copies of Kaiu Mitsurugi
- 3 copies of Doji Aspirant
- 3 copies of Mirumoto Rei
- 3 copies of Noble Vanguard
- 3 copies of Henshin Seeker
- 3 copies of Shosuro Botanist
- 3 copies of Moto Raiju
- 24 copies of Yuta
All cards will have a beautiful full-art treatment and the special boxes for military/political strength and rules text. In this kit, there are only characters, but you can be sure that we will feature different card types in future kits.
Ideas on how you can use the kit to structure tournaments will be included in the future blog post when the set becomes available. Let us know in the comments or on discord what you think about this game kit!
A Word About Safety
The pandemic is far from over so please take care of yourself and your playgroup. Only run events that are compliant with your country’s health and safety recommendations.
Be mindful and encouraging of increased hygiene standards. This may involve having supplies such as hand sanitiser available at the event or working with your venue to ensure sanitation standards. Encourage players to refrain from hugs or handshakes and to maintain the effective hygiene standards.
You should not be attending events if you feel ill, or have any symptoms such as fever or coughs. This should always be the case with the chance of infectious disease, but with the current situation this should still be held to the highest standard.