We’re happy to announce our third organized play kit ELOP-003, our second kit of 2023. This is a sign of our commitment to continue our organised play efforts and provide physical prizes to you. Read on to find out what the kit will contain!
With our third pack Ancient Secrets currently in review at DriveThru and Azao, we want to give you all the more reasons to return to local play and face off in a tournament with real rewards. This pack will feature character cards from Ancient Secrets. Here’s a look at all 8 of them.

As you can see, we’re again doing something different: The dragon card and the neutral card both have a special artwork just for this organized play set!
Kit Contents
You will find the following cards in the pack:
- 3 copies of Bloodthirsty Onryo
- 3 copies of Desperate Aide
- 3 copies of Kitsuki Seiji
- 3 copies of Relentless Gloryseeker
- 3 copies of Ceremonial Robes
- 3 copies of Disloyal Oathkeeper
- 3 copies of Shinjo Archer
- 12 copies of Mischievious Tanuki
All cards will have a beautiful full-art treatment and the special box for the rules text. In this kit, there are only characters, but you can be sure that we will feature different card types in future kits. We only included four play sets of the Tanuki as we received multiple feedback that eight play sets is just too much.
Ideas on how you can use the kit to structure tournaments will be included in the future blog post when the set becomes available. Let us know in the comments or on discord what you think about this new game kit! You can also provide feedback about what you’d like to see in the future. If you’re living in Europe or the UK and are interested in one (or more) kit(s), please send me a PM on Discord. We will also make the kit available on DriveThruCards for a limited time.