June is coming closer with huge steps, and thus is the Kotei in Nuremberg. We’re going to look at some of the stuff that you can win—both physical and story related prizes.
A Palace to Call Home
I mentioned in the last post that we’re going to hand out our strongholds as special promos. Whilst they won’t be available for everyone, we decided that we do want to hand them out the same way that we did with the provinces last year: Everyone who qualifies for the Top Cut as well as the best player of each clan that does not qualify will receive the extended art version of their clan’s stronghold. Here’s how they all look!

Truly a Blessing
My first Kotei was the one in Dusseldorf in 2018. They handed out the Way of the CLAN cards, a playset for myself and then 7 more to exchange them with my opponents. I really liked the idea, it made the duels a little bit more personal and it triggered the collector in me. I was thinking about doing the same at the Kotei:
Everyone gets a playset of their clan’s blessing, and then a playset for each round that they play. I didn’t like that you only received one single card instead of a playset of another clan’s Way of.

However, this Kotei will be one of only a few (yes, there will be at least one more in Seattle in September!) on the planet. It’s possible that you only meet 4 or 5 opponents, and then you won’t even have the chance to get all blessings from your opponents. Even worse, if you’re matched with your own clan once or twice, you’ll get lots of duplicates that you will most likely not use—and we don’t want to produce cards that end up in a binder. It is of course totally up to you what you’re going to do with your promos!
For that reason, I decided to hand out a full set of blessings to every participant. I mean, look at them. They are so beautiful, and Thulsa Doom adjusted them so that they better fit the promo frames. It’s a lot cooler to have all of them instead of just a few. I hope you like that!
More for the Best
Just like last year, the best samurai, courtier, or shugenja of each clan will be rewarded with the title of Hatamoto and be added to our Hall of Honor. Furthermore, the newly appointed Hatamoto will be given a story choice that will shape the future of their clan. Sanctuary is in dire need of champions… You can find out more on that on Thursday, when we will release our next story that will set the scene for the Kotei season.
In addition, the Hatamotos will receive a special playmat of their clan. Today we will show you the playmat of the Crab Hatamoto:

Truly special, don’t you think? I know that you’re waiting for the artwork of the participation playmat, and it is nearly done. I’ll show you once it is ready. But it’s really really cool.
That’s all for today but not all that you can win. In a future post we will show what else you can get just for showing up at the event. There will most likely be a cube draft on day 2, as well as another side event in a different format. If you have not registered for the Kotei yet, go and do so! We are already enough participants that the tournament will definitely take place!