
Core Set Winter Balance Updates

Header image for general updates of the Emerald Legacy

We’re back with some updates to our core set for the winter. Let’s dive right in.

The Keyword Thriving

Thriving has been changed to: When the fate phase ends, if this is the only card in this province, fill this province with 1 facedown dynasty card.

With this change we aim to reduce the long term impact of Thriving. The keyword was pulling more work than it was intended, collecting multiple dynasty options when it lasted a few rounds. It also was extremely potent when multiple Thriving holdings ended up in the same province. With the new version the keyword reaches the power level intended originally.

Trait changes

The Inquistor trait was replaced with Magistrate on all core set cards. We also spread around a few extra traits to open up new interactions and potential for future design space. Look out for cards with the traits Omen, Foreign, Imperial, and Shūji.

The Crane Clan

The Crane current power level is above the expected, due in grand part to a few core set cards. We adjust those:

House of Leaves now can only target characters at home. This change is subtle, but it has large tactical implications that change how the Stronghold is played and also how the counterplay can be leveraged against it. It forces the hand of the Crane player into making their plans more transparent to the opponent, and it reduces the synergy with plenty of the tricks of the follower of Dōji.

Iaijutsu Sensei now allows the opponent to choose which of their characters will face the sensei in the duel. This change creates tactical counterplay against the duelist, by declaring extra characters to suffer the sensei’s duel instead of key characters. But as the character who faces the sensei must be ready, there are still plenty of options for the Crane to corner their main target—it just takes more work.

Destiny Revealed no longer has the capacity to spread two fate over characters.

Kakita Technique always gives +1 military and +1 political per event, it no longer doubles the bonus on defense.

The Dragon Clan

Mirumoto Hitori now requires giving back a ring as a cost for his next incarnation. This change both delivers some counterplay to get rid of Hitori, but it also gives a degree of advantage to Dragon as a way of getting more fate on rings.

Contemplate the Eternal gains Peaceful, making it usable only outside conflicts. This change brings the card to its intended use.

Mountain Tattoo now gives the Tattoed keyword. This should have always been there. Oops.

The Lion Clan

Eminent Historian now also works when the Lion player is tied with another player for honor.

Matsu Nobuiko took some lessons of courtesy and now has 3 Political skill. The small change reduces the impact of Nobuiko being dishonored, which is especially relevant for a character with Pride.

The Phoenix Clan

Glory of the Five Rivers is now more impactful, as the winner of the charity duel gets to choose both who gets honored and who gets dishonored.

The Unicorn Clan

Composite Yumi was shooting too many arrows. Now it only triggers when characters move to the conflict, not when they move home. It is also now only available during military conflicts.

And that’s all for today. What do you think of the changes? Let us know in the comments, on discord, and on facebook!