We’ve been asked several times for dividers for your card collection, and now we have them on offer. Two of our designers/artists, Rob Smith and Thulsa Doom, came up with the design for them. Come and check them out!
We’ve got two kinds of dividers prepared for you, and each comes in two different formats.
First, there are dividers with the clan mons. A beautiful and clear—yet distinctive—design, with different titles for each card type. They are available as vertical and horizontal dividers. You can download them here!

Beautiful, right? But that’s not all.
We’re also preparing dividers that feature clan specific artworks on each divider, taken from cards the divider is meant for. We’re waiting for some more artworks of the core set to finish the dividers and will tell you once they are available. But here’s a preview:

Aren’t they beautiful? What do you think about it? Let us know in the comments, Discord, or Facebook! We’re also currently trying to find a way to offer them to you as a printed set of dividers so that you don’t have to print them yourself.
Awesome! Very beautiful!