We were able to negotiate the final details for the location and can now tell you everything you need to know – for today.
Enter the Battlefield
Unfortunately, returning to Finya’s Tavern is not possible this year. However, this is not necessarily a bad thing, and I’ll tell you why in a second.
The team at Nerd Nexus Nuremberg offered us a cooperation: They will host us and also provide us access to their location! The Nuremberg Kotei will therefore be an official Nerd Nexus Event. It’s an association of (trading card) players, for players. This brings several advantages:
- The tables are ideal for card games like L5R / Emerald Legacy.
- There won’t be an expensive room rental.
- Drinks are super affordable—they might even be able to offer food during the Kotei (but that’s not clear yet).
- The location is close to Finya’s Tavern and thus to the hotels from last time—you can just walk there or take the bus.
- There’s a subway station close to the Nexus (10 minute walk), so you can also stay in any hotel, take the subway, and walk from the station.
Hotels for the Kotei are, for example, the Hotel Cristal or the same hotel as last year, Nuremberg City Nordost Premiere Inn. Go and book your room now, before it gets more expensive!
Collect the Loot
Most of us came to the Kotei just for the fun—however, everyone loves to get something special. We can’t show you yet what we have planned, only a sneak peek, but it’s going to be worth it! This will be one of the prizes, a full art stronghold.

In addition to all the free loot that you’ll be able to grab, we decided to offer you once more the possibility to purchase another participation playmat. We can’t show you what it looks like yet, as the image is currently in development by our artist StumbleSeed, but you can trust us, it’s going to be amazing!
Warm Welcome
Once more, here are the details of the tournament:
- Date: June 22/23
- Entrance fee: 20€
- Participation playmat: 15-20€ (depending on amount ordered)
- Location: Nerd Nexus Nuremberg, Nordring 107, 90409 Nürnberg (2nd Floor!)
- Registration is open!
That’s all for today. We will add more and more information to this blog post when it becomes available (participation playmat, more loot, etc.). Check back regularly for updates to the tournament structure, a new side event, and more.
What are you waiting for? Register here!