Organized Play

New League Season Starting In April

Featured image for a post about organized play. It reads "organized play" in the font of the Emerald Legacy.

We’ve been silent for a while but we’re back with another official tournament — including story prize! Read on to find out more.

Story Prize

There’s a huge secret afoot in Sanctuary. The Scorpion have discovered the Celestial Weapons Lady Dōji crafted for the Empire and are holding them in a remote, heavily warded vault!


This League season, which will run from April 1st through June 30th, will reward the winner with a story prize. We plan to start a new season every three months.

If a player from any clan except Scorpion wins, then their clan and their selected non-unique character — who they will be able to name — discovers that the Scorpion have the Celestial Weapons of the other clans.

If a Scorpion player wins, they will select a non-unique character — who they will be able to name — who will become aware of the fact that someone from another clan has found out about the Celestial Weapons. That someone will be from the second place clan.

Special League Rules

As before, there will be pods but there will be no cups at season’s end. The winner will be the player who’s collected the most points throughout the whole season. Point system will be: 10 points per win, 1 point per loss.

Each month of the season, there will be a new deck challenge that everyone must adhere to.

  • Clan choice will remain constant for the entire season.
  • Stronghold choice will remain constant during each deck challenge.
  • As long as you adhere to the challenge’s guidelines, you’re free to make changes to your deck throughout the month (but, of course, please don’t tech for an individual player in an upcoming match).

The deck challenges for this season will be:

  • Month One (Emerald Format): No unique characters and no characters under 3-cost.
  • Month Two (Emerald Format): You can’t use the same stronghold you used in month one. No other restrictions.
  • Month Three (Emerald Format): Clan-specific challenge as follows.
    • Crab: no Holdings
    • Crane: no cards (including Strongholds) capable of honoring any character or creating an honor gain. This does not include normal honor gains from duels but does include duels that would honor the winner or award extra honor. It also does not include normal use of the Air or Fire rings.
    • Dragon: no Monk characters
    • Lion: no Bushi characters
    • Phoenix: no Shugenja characters
    • Scorpion: no cards capable of dishonoring any character or creating an honor loss. This does not include normal honor loss from duels but does include duels that would dishonor a character or cause an honor loss as a result. It also does not include normal use of the Air or Fire rings.
    • Unicorn: no Cavalry characters

You can signup on Lotus Pavilion / Tourney Grounds here.

Enjoy the tournament and good luck to all participants!

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