Cards, Organized Play

Card Packs Available on DriveThruCards

Finally our cards are available to purchase on DriveThruCards. Read on to find out about where to get them, updates to our website structure, and a suggestion on how to use the Game Night Kit.

Restoration of Balance

Our set Restoration of Balance is finally available to purchase. It took us quite a while, but now everything is fine and future sets will be available a lot quicker. We restructured parts of our website, you will find Restoration of Balance—and every other set—now under Products. Since you can now also purchase the cards from a shop, Downloads was not really fitting anymore. We also cleaned up the product description pages a bit: have a look at Restoration of Balance’s site. We’re very happy that we can now offer an easy way to get our cards in the United States. Let us know what you think of the physical cards once you get them!

Game Night Kit 2022/1

We recently announced our first tournament pack and are glad to tell you that you can order it now as well. Head over to our product page of the game night kit and buy it for your next local tournament!

In our announcement post, we also mentioned that we will inform you about potential tournament structures once the set would be available. Well, now is the time.

Potential Tournament Structures

The first proposal for a tournament is to use the kit as a one-shot. You hand out the play set of the in-clan characters to the best player of each clan. Every participant—or the top 8, depending on how many participants you have—receives a play set of Yuta, our neutral character. If you have 16 or more participants, you might want to hand out only one copy of Yuta to each participant.

Another idea is to have three tournaments, where you hand out only one copy of each card for best-of-clan and only one copy of Yuta for the top 8 or each participant.

You can, however, use the cards as you seem fit to distribute them among participants, winners, and so on. The most important thing is that you enjoy the game and have some beautiful prizes to hand out at your tournament!