Your Clan Champions (read: Exhibition Leaders) called out to you, and about 30 samurai answered their call. Everyone with a result of 4-1 or better qualified for the top cut, as did those who were best of their clan but had only 3 or less victories. Dragon dominated the top cut, as WorkerBee cut his foes left and right to (rightfully) claim the winner’s trophy of this Kotei. Here are the final standings of the tournament:
- WorkerBee (Dragon)
- Tancho (Crane)
- Hida Amoro (Crab)
- KCoorey (Scorpion)
- KarolinaV (Phoenix)
- Voidnoob (Lion)
- Medalliah (Scorpion)
- Moto Keshi (Unicorn)
Five samurai also earned the title Hatamoto for the first time and are added to our Hall of Honor, since they finished best of their clan:
WorkerBee, Tancho, KarolinaV, Voidnoob and Moto Keshi.
In addition, we had a story reward for each clan up our sleeves, and this is how the best of each clan have chosen and learned the ancient names of their Fortunes:
- Dragon: Tennyo (Fortune of Happiness and Fertility)
- Crane: Sawakiten (Fortune of Strength)
- Crab: Kotobuki (Fortune of Longevity)
- Scorpion: Ankoku (Fortune of Wealth)
- Phoenix: Fukurokushi (Fortune of Wisdom and Mercy)
- Lion: Waseit (Fortune of Romantic Love)
- Unicorn: Webisu (Fortune of Contentment)
In addition, WorkerBee secured the support of the Tanuki shrine-keepers for the Dragon. Only time will tell what will come of this…
Thank you for your participation in this Kotei. This project is only possible because of you, who buy/print our cards, participate in tournaments, and keep this game alive.

We hope to see as many of you as possible at our next Kotei, which will be an in-person Kotei in Nuremberg! Watch this space for news about that soon. Trust me, it will be worth the trip.