This article contains all the details you need to know about our Kotei in Nuremberg, including the registration process! It will be updated regularly with new information as it becomes available.
Key Facts
Date: June 24 and 25, 2023
Starting: 9 a.m. local time
Location: Finyas Taverne im Lutzgarten, Großreuther Straße 113, 90425 Nuremberg
Entrance fee: 15€
Optional participation playmat: 22,28€
Prize support: playmats, cards, luxury playstyle token, more
The most important thing is that you register for the event. I already have a bunch of oral agreements, but I need genuine registrations. Reminder: We should have at least 40 people who show up. Those 40 (or more) people have to sign up until May 15, 2023! You might have noticed a little widget on our site which shows the number of people who have already registered.
However, we can already confirm that the event will definitely take place!
Our process consists of two steps.
Step 1: Register Via Our Google Form
Click this link and register for the Kotei! Please note that this link leads to a Google Form. If you have any issues with Google or providing your name and email address there, please contact me on Discord (Hida Amoro#6853) or send me an email.
In this form, enter your name and the names of all the other people you’re registering for. For example, if you’re a local play group that wants to come, you don’t have to register everyone individually. Please also provide the number of participation playmats (see below for more info on that) you want to purchase.
Step 2: Payment
Step 2 is actually very simple. I will contact you at your email address that you provided and tell you the total amount of money you’ve got to pay. As soon as I have received your payment (PayPal, SEPA transfer), you’ve completed the registration process.
Please note, once you paid, we cannot reimburse you should you not be able to come. Should we not be able to meet the required amount of players—and thus have to cancel the event—, you will of course get all your money back.
Location and Accommodation Options
Like mentioned in our announcement article, we will have our Kotei at Finyas Taverne im Lutzgarten (Großreuther Straße 113, 90425 Nürnberg). There are lots of parking spaces directly next to the tavern, so in theory, each and everyone could arrive with their own car – but please don’t. Rather pack up to four others into one car (or even more if you have a small bus), that’s way more fun (and cheaper, and environmentally appropriate).

You can use public transport from either the airport or the central station to get there, or you walk. Details will be added closer to the event.
If you want to stay at a hotel close to the venue, you can stay at the Premiere Inn Nuremberg City Nordost (Google Maps, Website). If you book today, two nights at the Kotei weekend will cost 94€. You can add breakfast buffet for 13,50€/day.
Alternatives are the Mövenpick hotel at the Airport (~240€ for two nights, Google Maps, Webs, the Hotel Alpha in Ziegelstein (~200€ for two nights, Google Maps, Website), the Hotel Cristal (~180€ for two nights, Google Maps, Website), or the Centro Hotel (240€ for a twin room for two nights, Google Maps, Website).
There are a few hundred accommodations available for Nuremberg in the inner city or the northern part of Nuremberg via the website of airbnb, so if you don’t like the hotels above, you can checkout Airbnb.

Prize Support
You’re going to spend your whole weekend for us and with us, and we believe that you should be well rewarded for that and have great time.
Optional Playmat
I think each and everyone of you deserves the opportunity to get a playmat with an artwork of Jérémie Morán, showing your support and dedication to the Emerald Legacy project. You can purchase such a playmat during the registration process. It’s going to be cheaper than previously announced, it is now only 22,28€ instead of 30€, as we received a nice discount. Additionally, the edges will be stitched and also printed. The result looks amazing, as you can see in the image above. If we receive a high amount of requests, they might get even cheaper!
Rewards for Participation
Alright, so maybe you cannot afford an extra fee for a playmat. That is totally fine. However, you shall still receive something. I was considering to try to implement something like the Koku rewards at FFG’s Koteis or “you get X if you win at least Y times”. However, why lock everything away behind conditions? We already have some nice rewards for those who finish in the top cut (or closely missed out). It’s all about having a good time, isn’t it? So here’s what you can get:
- A full playset of Yuta in full art (from Game Night Kit 1)
- A full playset of your clan’s character from Game Night Kit 1 (Kaiu Mitsurugi, Doji Aspirant, Mirumoto Rei, Noble Vanguard, Henshin Seeker, Shosuro Botanist, or Moto Raiju.
- A full playset of Disarm in full art (from Game Night Kit 2).
- A full playset of your clan’s event from Game Night Kit 2 (No Breath Wasted, Crane Industry, Surging Wave, Spearhead, One with the Sea, Funeral, or Lay of the Land).
- A full playset of Togashi Tsurumi, with new artwork!
Maybe you already got your hands on one more more of the cards from our Game Night Kits and think: “lame”. However, I want to offer the opportunity to those who could not afford or play for promos of the two sets to get their hands on them. So, if you have none of the cards mentioned above, you will leave with 12 brand new full art cards, just for coming. 13, actually…

Oh, I totally forgot. Everyone will also receive our neutral province from the next set, Ancient Secrets, as full art promo.
For The Best of You
We also do have some things that you have to earn. It’s a competition, after all.
We will bestow the title of Hatamoto upon the best player of each clan. This will be done as a ceremony on day 2 of the tournament. You will also receive the playmat of your clan.

Additionally, every player that qualifies for the top cut on day two as well as the best player of each clan that does not qualify will receive their clan province of Ancient Secrets as full art promo.

The finalists of the top cut as well as the winner of the Tournament of the Second Chance will be rewarded with shiny game assets from Luxury Playstyle!

Rewards for the Main Tournament
To summarise, here’s what you will get:
- Winner: 25 iridescent fate/honour tokens (Luxury Playstyle), five metal honoured / dishonoured status tokens (Luxury Playstyle), a set of conflict and dynasty sleeves (Dragon Shield)
- Runner-up: 25 Yozakura Mangetsu tokens (Luxury Playstyle), a set of conflict and dynasty sleeves (Dragon Shield)
- Best of clan: Hatamoto title and clan specific Hatamoto playmat
- Top Cut: clan specific full-art province of Ancient Secrets
- Best of clan, not qualified for Top Cut: clan specific full-art province of Ancient Secrets
- Participation: Yakatabune Port (full-art), Playset of Yuta, Disarm, clan specific character, clan specific event (all four from the two Game Night Kits).
Rewards for the Tournament of the Second Chance
Here’s what players can win in the Tournament of the Second Chance:
- Winner: 25 Summer Gold Sakura tokens (Luxury Playstyle), a set of conflict and dynasty sleeves (Dragon Shield)
- Runner-up: full set of Burger Tokens for L5R (fate + honour tokens), a set of conflict and dynasty sleeves (Dragon Shield)
We will also raffle off one set of conflict and dynasty sleeves (Dragon Shield) to one lucky participant of the Kotei.
Other Activities
We will have one or even two cubes available for those of you who want to play a cube draft! We will also have special rewards for you cube players.
Check back to this post regularly to see updates to the location infos and prizes you can win.