
Emerald Legacy Dividers – Teaming up with Tesseract Games

Preview image of the tesseract webshop, displaying some dividers of the scorpion clan and the unicorn clan.

Hey everyone! A few weeks ago, we presented our very own card dividers for your Emerald Legacy collection. We’re happy to tell you that you can now preorder them!

We teamed up with the amazing folks at Tesseract Games. They offered to print our dividers for you, in the same amazing quality that you are used to. You can now preorder those dividers, either in horizontal orientation or in vertical orientation (or both!), whichever you prefer. We do need at least ten orders each for a print run, so go and tell all your friends (and order some for yourself, of course).

Click here to get to the preorder page.

Let us know how you like them, post pictures of your collections with them, and share with the world!


  1. Graydius

    Bought a pack. Seems a good idea